Why Body Waxing is Better than Shaving your Body Hair?

· Therapy,Waxing

Are you again in dilemma whether to shave your body hair or get a body waxing? If you do not want to get nicks or cuts that are generally caused by shaving, then go for waxing. Irrefutably, it is one of the best hair removal methods. Waxing is like a little rain before you get to see beautiful rainbows. You will experience a bit of discomfort but eventually, you’ll get smooth and hair-free legs.

Let’s talk about some of the benefits of this hair removal service.

Lesser regrowth in between appointments

There is a significant reason why regrowth gets slower when you wax: the hair is extracted away from the root. In this way, your skin will stay smooth for a period of time that spans from the renewal of the pulled hair follicle to the moment the hair shaft reaches the skin surface. This whole process generally persists three to four weeks, the average time that goes by between waxing appointments. When you shave, the razor is only shaving the hair that are present on the surface. 

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Finer and sparser growth

This happens because waxing tears hair off from the root, which makes the hair follicle to get weaker over time. Weak hair follicles produce finer, sparser hair. Do not expect drastic change from coarse to fine in a couple of appointments. It will require some time to see a prominent change.